As you've apparently noticed for the accomplished six months, I really,
absolutely haven't got abundant time for blogging these days. (Without
traveling into detail, my studies are actual acute at the moment, so
I've had to briefly adjourn appealing abundant all affairs for this
site.) But even so... how could I abide showcasing what I apparent this
morning on the home page of DHX Media? The angel has in fact already
been taken down by DHX (perhaps signaling that anyone leaked it online a
little too early?); but below, you can acquisition account affidavit in
anatomy of a screenshot from my computer, taken beforehand tonight, of
DHX's web site. (UPDATE: For added affidavit of the picture's source,
you can aswell see it on its aboriginal angel url from DHX Media. I busy
a little on this at the end of the post.)
So what accept we got here? A low-res angel that - actual briefly -
served as the thumbnail for Inspector Gadget in the 'Shows' area of
DHX's site. If you clicked on the angel (like I tried), you would
artlessly be taken to the accepted presentation of the Inspector Gadget
series, complete with a video of the 1983 intro... so there's no way to
acquaint for assertive that the acting thumbnail account was a
examination of the new series. But cerebration logically, what added
affidavit could the angel accept for getting there? It looks
annihilation like the standard, crappily fatigued promotional art for
the aboriginal alternation - and added to the point, it's not even
drawn! My theory: This was a cautiously placed brain-teaser for the new
Gadget series, as able-bodied as the aboriginal acknowledge of the
action technique. Judging by this image, the new alternation will be
I'm aswell half-way apprehensive if the agreement of the thumbail
account on DHX's website was hinting at something more: That the
accessible alternation will be a awakening of the aboriginal show,
rather than a reimagining. I've mentioned this approach before, and if
it's true, it ability in actuality accomplish faculty that the thumbnail
angel artlessly affiliated to the basal description of the old
series... because this basal description will conceivably aswell
administer to the new series. The angel aloft is absolutely giving me a
actual archetypal vibe.
In fact, even if I'm not 100% abiding how able-bodied CGI will work, I
anticipate Gadget's architecture looks appealing charming. (In agreement
of agreeableness and appeal, it's absolutely afar advanced of
annihilation apparent in the 2005 abominable direct-to-video CGI
feature, Inspector Gadget's Biggest Caper Ever.) Gadget seems a bit
simplified and automated compared to his 1983 architecture - the button
and aerial are added rounded, for instance - but all-embracing I
adulation seeing how abutting this is to the Inspector's best
appearance. Also, after alive annihilation about how this architecture
will move in animation, I'd say he seems adequately adaptable and
Again, though, I accept to accent that abundant of this is belief on my
part. The alone affair I apperceive for a actuality is that, beforehand
today, what looks like a CGI-rendered angel of Inspector Gadget was
getting acclimated as a thumbnail in DHX Media's 'Shows' site. Sometimes
during the accomplished few hours (yes, absolutely - you'll just accept
to yield my chat for that), the angel was taken down and replaced with a
section of accepted promotional art for the 1983 series. Everything
above that is accessible to interpretation...
...your thoughts?
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